Aesthetic Treatments Zurich

At Skin Atelier Zürich, Kilchberg, we offer a range of medical and aesthetic treatments, including high-quality hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse, botulinum toxin, platelet rich plasma (PRP), radiofrequency microneedling (Morpheus 8) and laser treatments. Depending on the condition of the skin and the depth of the wrinkles, mesotherapy, microneedling, exosome therapy, or a combination of IPL photorejuvenation and intensive peeling may also be considered. The effects of these treatments can be further improved and prolonged by additional combination therapies, such as injections with fillers or unique cosmetic treatments, which are carried out in our practice in Zürich, Kilchberg.

Our Treatments



Eine Faltenbehandlung ohne chirurgischen Eingriff bietet die Möglichkeit, Falten auf weniger invasive Weise zu minimieren oder vollständig zu entfernen. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt eine ambulante Durchführung, sodass Patienten meist unmittelbar danach ihren gewohnten Tätigkeiten nachgehen können.

Welche Faltenbehandlung für Sie geeignet ist, hängt von Ihrer Hautbeschaffenheit und der Ausgeprägtheit der Falten ab. Botulinumtoxin eignet sich beispielsweise für Falten, die durch Muskelspannungen verursacht wurden, während Füllstoffe auf Basis von Hyaluronsäure vor allem für tiefere und statische Falten Anwendung finden. Laserverfahren bieten zudem die Möglichkeit, umfangreichere Hautbereiche mit feinen Linien zu behandeln.

Oft ist es vorteilhaft, verschiedene Behandlungsmethoden zu kombinieren, um dauerhaft, natürlich wirkende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Im Skin Atelier bieten wir Ihnen eine umfassende Beratung an und entwickeln auf Wunsch ein massgeschneidertes Behandlungskonzept für Sie.

Schönheitspraxis Zürich
Schönheitspraxis Kilchberg
Ästhetische Behandlung Zürich

Welche Faltenbehandlung hält am längsten?

Filler, Botox, Morpheus 8 oder Laser?

Die Dauerhaftigkeit einer Faltenbehandlung ist stark von individuellen Faktoren wie der Konstitution, dem Lebensstil und der Beschaffenheit der Haut abhängig. Im Durchschnitt halten Behandlungen mit Fillern, die Hyaluronsäure enthalten, zwischen 6 und 12 Monaten, wobei auch längere Zeiträume möglich sind.

Botulinum-Injektionen weisen eine Wirkdauer von etwa 4 bis 6 Monaten auf. Die Kombination unterschiedlicher Behandlungsmethoden kann jedoch dazu beitragen, dass die Ergebnisse deutlich länger anhalten. Ästhetische und kosmetische Verfahren mit Laser wie Fotona 4D, Morpheus 8, IPL-Hautverjüngung, Exosomen oder Needling, die die konzentrierten Wirkstoffe in die Haut einschleusen, können die «Haltbarkeit» der Ergebnisse verlängern und das Hautbild nachhaltig verbessern.



Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, can be used in areas of the face where persistent muscle contractions cause permanent lines. Such lines can give the appearance of exhaustion, tension, or anger, even if we don’t feel that way.

The areas of the face most frequently treated with botulinum toxin are the glabellar crease between the eyebrows, the so-called crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, and the forehead. Botulinum toxin can also be injected into the masseter muscle to treat bruxism, the nightly grinding of teeth, or to visually reduce the size of the face. A botulinum toxin injection close to the lips requires special care, as improper application can impair speech and facial expression.  Botulinum toxin also relieves excessive sweating by temporarily blocking the sweat glands locally.

Ästhetische Behandlung Zürich
Medizinische Kosmetik Zürich
Ästhetische Behandlung Zürich



Hyaluronic acid is characterized by its exceptional ability to bind moisture in the skin, making it appear noticeably firmer, smoother, and more voluminous. Even deep wrinkles can be treated effectively with hyaluronic acid fillers.

Hyaluronic acid is also ideal for subtly lifting facial contours and highlighting specific face areas. Hyaluronic acid fillers can also be optimally combined with other wrinkle treatment methods, such as botulinum therapy, to achieve a comprehensive rejuvenation result.



What are skin boosters or biostimulators, and how do they work?

Biostimulator fillers are substances injected into the skin’s dermis layer to promote collagen production and other structure-providing proteins. This helps the skin to develop its volume. Well-known injectable biostimulators include products such as Sculptra and Radiesse.

Conversely, polynucleotides are complex organic molecules that are central to biological processes. They comprise long chains of nucleotides, the basic building blocks of DNA and RNA. Each nucleotide comprises a nitrogen base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), and a phosphate group. Polynucleotides are valued for their regenerative properties in skin care and medical treatments. As biostimulators, they promote the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins crucial for skin elasticity and firmness. Skin Atelier performs a wide range of aesthetic treatments in Zürich, Kilchberg, including various biostimulators such as Radiesse and polynucleotide skin boosters such as PhilArt, PhilArt Eye.

Ästhetische Behandlung Zürich
Laserbehandlung Zürich



At the Skin Atelier, we offer advanced skin tightening with the original Morpheus 8 from InMode. This state-of-the-art treatment combines medical microneedling with radiofrequency energy without surgical intervention or recovery time. During the procedure, the Morpheus 8 uses up to 40 gold-plated needles to send radio frequency pulses deep into the skin, which safely raises the temperature to up to 45 degrees Celsius. This gentle heat treatment stimulates the collagen fibers and leads to a tightening of the skin and a reduction in wrinkles. At the same time, the micro-trauma caused by microneedling promotes the formation of new collagen and elastin.

The Morpheus 8 treatment offers a wide range of applications: It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin texture and elasticity, reduces acne scars, and refines pores. It is also suitable for contouring and firming various body areas, including the face, neck, décolleté, arms, stomach, and thighs. Morpheus 8 is also effective in treating stretch marks and improving pores and scars caused by acne.



Injection lipolysis is a popular method for removing fat deposits from the face, such as double chins or sagging cheeks, as well as from areas of the body such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, back, and male breasts. The active ingredient phosphatidylcholine is injected directly into the fat tissue, where it causes the fat cells to disintegrate. The decomposition products are broken down and excreted by the body. The treatment can be repeated 2 to 4 times every eight weeks and provides a lasting effect after a few weeks. Injection lipolysis also corrects irregularities from previous fat reduction treatments such as liposuction or cryolipolysis.

Schönheitspraxis Zürich

Do you have any questions about the treatment?

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